Paradigm Shifting


Thursdays 1pm eastern

Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive and energy counselor who, like many of you, is an explorer on the path of the new emerging humanities that are unfolding all around us.  She uses her gifts of intuition, as well as my rapport with various realms of consciousness and loving Guides and Angels, to create universal understandings within the murky stew of our experiences.  “I offer tools to inspire your change, allowing you to fully harness the potential of your inner-self.  We are all on this journey, let us grow and learn together”.

Veronica and her guests will enable listeners to transcend existing patterns and awaken our inner-selves to new levels of consciousness.  These are all people whom, if you don’t already know about, you soon will!  “I invite you to join us every week, share in their wisdom and what their experiences have to offer. Together we can move away from what we already know and feel about this complex multi-dimensional universe, and shift into a more mutually recognizable, higher frequency paradigm filled with collective empowerment, personal influence, and global consciousness”.

Listen Thursdays 1pm eastern on The BBM Global Network and Tunein Radio!

One Comment Published

Brian Kelly on 09.03.2017 / Reply

Veronica is Amazing!

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